Due to Leak - If a Member’s monthly bill is higher than normal due to a leak on the Member’s side of the meter, the Member may submit a written leak adjustment request to the Corporation. Upon approval of a leak adjustment by the Corporation, the Member shall be charged the amount of one month’s average bill for the previous twelve (12) months. Any additional consumption above the Member’s average bill shall be charged at the Corporation’s current lowest-tier rate that fully covers the cost of service associated with the additional consumption. The Corporation may grant an adjustment if each of the following apply:
- The amount of excess water usage reflected in the contested bill is at least three (3) times the Member’s average monthly usage;
- The leak has been verified by the Corporation or Operators;
- The Member submits documentary evidence that the leak has been repaired within ninety (90) days of repair, including a statement from a plumber and/or receipt(s) for parts purchased to repair the leak; and
- The Member has not requested a leak adjustment during the previous twenty-four (24) months regardless of the number of meters serving the Member’s property or properties.
- A shut-off valve must be installed on the customers side must be installed if one does not already exist.
You may mail these documents with a detailed description and timeline of the leak and repair to P.O. Box 278 or you can email us at [email protected].
It is the members responsiblity to have a cut-off valve on the members side of the meter so that you can turn the water off as quickly as possible in the event of a leak.
Adjustments will be reviewed on an individual basis by the Board of Directors and Water Operators.